Two Computer Science graduates hired at Amazon
Published Dec. 6, 2022
Two University of New Orleans computer science students, Pujan Pokhrel and Krishna Shah, have just started their first jobs as software developers with Amazon. Both Pokhrel and Shah are set to graduate during the University’s fall 2022 commencement ceremony on Friday.

Pokhrel will graduate with a Ph.D. in computer science, while Shah is earning a master’s degree in computer science.
“I am excited to start my new career as a software development engineer at Amazon in Denver, Colorado,” Pokhrel said. “The coursework at UNO, along with the research experience, has shaped my skills and prepared me for my new career.”
Pokhrel’s dissertation is titled “Ocean Wave Parameters Prediction and Characterization for Intelligent Maritime Transportation.” His research was funded through a contract with the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research (ONR) and supervised by Mahdi Abdelguerfi, chair of the computer science department.
Pokhrel graduated in 2013 from Lumbini International College in Nepal with honors. He was awarded a Homer L. Hitt Presidential Scholarship in 2014 to attend UNO.
Shah received his bachelor’s degree with honors from UNO’s Department of Biological Sciences; he was also the recipient of the Homer L. Hitt Presidential Scholarship. Shah then entered the computer science master’s program, which he will complete this semester.
His master’s thesis, titled “ncRNA-protein Interaction Prediction using Language-based Features,” was supervised by Tamjid Hoque, associate professor of computer science.
“I would like to thank Dr. Hoque for having me join his research lab and helping me achieve this thesis research,” Shah said.
UNO’s computer science is not only the main pipeline of IT talent for local companies and federal agencies, but its graduates are successful at international companies as well, said Abdelguerfi.
“Graduates have gone on to excel with international corporations such as Google, Meta, Netflix, Microsoft, General Electric (GE) and General Dynamics (GD) to name a few,” Abdelguerfi said.